Finished Reading: Problem Child by Victoria Helen Stone 📚

This is book two in a series and I read the first one ages ago but I can’t remember it. My Kindle says I read it though. They’re on Kindle Unlimited so I must have read it during a free month or something.

I don’t know how I feel about this. I do enjoy a bit of oddly delicious revenge (Roald Dahl is one of my favourite authors) so I did finish this one but… I dunno. It’s a power fantasy isn’t it, this book? A woman in a world of awful men and she just turns it round on them every time. And like, look, why are you interacting with them if they’re going to be awful. And if they’re awful, like, what if they just attacked you (which they conveniently don’t do in this book)? And like, in real life, there are actually nice men! Hang out with them if you want! I dunno. Weird power fantasy, is all I can conclude.