Stinge Watching Is the Opposite of Binge Watching

When I find a new show I really like or I’m digging into the newest season of a favorite series, instead of getting hooked and then blasting through all the available episodes, I’ll slow down or even stop watching so as to prolong the pleasure…or to delay the end.

Binge watching gets a bit much for me, I just find that I’m not properly watching anymore after maybe 3 episodes of anything.

Stinge watching as described in the article above is much better, you get the chance to actually savour the program and things unfold more slowly. For me that means I’ve got time to think about what’s going on in between episodes and I think that’s half the fun. And since I’m not losing focus after a while I’ll actually be able to take the plot etc in properly. So taking my time through a TV series is much better.

I would love if streaming services would add some sort of functionality that allowed us to do this but to still be super lazy and watch a full evening’s worth of TV. It would be like a playlist, and I’d set it up, like, I want to watch an episode of x, then an episode of y, then an episode of z. Then I’d be able to just sit back and let all three programmes play. You would get the first unwatched episode of each series automatically play. I suppose if I get to the end of a season on one of the programmes then it could suggest something to swap it out for, or just remove it from the playlist.

Like, I like being able to stream TV but I also used to like the old Friday evenings on Channel 4 back in the late 90s. It’d start with a couple of episodes of the Simpsons, then Friends, then Buffy, then Frasier, then South Park (this probably isn’t accurate by the way!) and I used to look forward to them. I don’t feel like we can really do that kind of thing anymore with Netflix etc