I like being part of the 3GoodThings group and hashtag on Mastodon. It’s a little bit of my self-care routine, my version of keeping a gratitude log I suppose. I’ve been thinking recently that I would like a way to be able to post to that group (and to the hashtag), but also to have the three things be added to a running list, something that I could look back on now and again.

I also try to play a bit of a game with myself where I’m not allowed to post the same thing twice so having a big list of previous things would be handy for this too

I’ve recently downloaded Drafts and I’ve been messing around in it, and I think I’ve come up with an Action that does the job. Here’s a link to the Action from the Drafts directory if you wanted to try it out. Note that you would need to be using Ivory and Bear for this Action to work

You need to do one thing to set it up: tell it which note within Bear you want to be adding to. Set up a new note in Bear that we’ll use for your running list of good things, add whatever title, tags etc you would like, and then copy it’s Note Identifier

Get your note identifier from Bear

It will be a long string of letters and numbers

In Drafts, right-click on the newly-installed action and click Edit, and paste the note identifier in the Template box:

You will need to add your note identifier into the Template box that will appear when you select the 1st step in this action

You can then close this window and everything will be set up. When you run this Action, it will automatically add the contents of your Draft to the end of the note in Bear, and it’ll then open an Ivory window with your post ready-made, complete with mention and hashtag. You can then just need to hit post to send this.

This is my first try making my own Drafts action, it was pretty fun.