I think I should try and get back into blogging again. I used to like that a lot when I was at uni. I never put a huge amount of effort into it and it was just a stupid little personal blog, but I think that might actually be just what I want at the moment. A chance to sit quietly and put some things together, an excuse to draw or add a photo, and then a central place to have all of this anonymously stored. It sounds like a really nice idea and a nice hobby. I’m already paying for micro.blog and I like it well enough so I think this will be where I put it. The few times I’ve posted already I had a nice time doing so. I should start considering this a proper hobby again.

I suppose on the opposite side of this, I’ve been enjoying reading RSS on NetNewsWire, maybe browsing through it during a quiet few minutes and saving the ones that look interesting to my Reading List. Then, when I’m on my iPad, going through my Reading List and enjoying reading through the articles. It seems like a nice relaxed sort of flow and I think I prefer this to scrolling through Mastodon or whatever (although I do still like doing that now and again). I like how I get to have a ton of control over what I read this way and that I get to have a quick browse during just a couple of minutes, and then a ‘real’ reading session that I’ve already curated when I actually want to sit down and do that.