Unmasking Autism by Devon Price 📚

The first chapter actually made me cry because it seemed to describe me really well. I’ve been doing a bit of research recently, after feeling really burnt out for several months. I remember wondering if I was autistic back in the days when people said only little boys could be autistic, and feeling the way I have been recently spurred me on to actually learn about autism. So it was really was something to feel like the opening to this book really did include me.

I wanted to read this after hearing about it on #ActuallyAutistic tags on Mastodon etc, and it was interesting, but ultimately, I guess I just want some tips and advice on how to get on with my life? Just cope quietly. There was some of this here, but as the book went on it escalated more into activism. I do think that’s really important, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not for me (certainly not at this stage). I think I would have preferred it to stay low key, and help explore what’s being masked, what’s being suppressed, give me some more advice on how I can work through it and actually figure out who the heck I am. There was still some of that, I guess for me personally, I would have liked more.
