Finished reading: This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar 📚 - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Technically a re-read, but the first time I read this I wasn’t doing well mental health-wise, and I could only remember a tiny bit it, so in a way this was also a first read?

I really wanted to like it, I remember the escalating letters, and the cool time-traveling and descriptions of these different battles and eras the two characters through, but something didn’t quite stick for me. I am wondering if it’s the writing style? I mean, it’s lovely, very poetic, but maybe it came across as just too clever for me? At times I’m not sure I quite followed what was going on, and I know for a fact that I’ve missed inferences and things in amongst all of the poetic writing.

Still a cool story though, it’s quite short too which, for me, probably worked in it’s favour, getting the story across before I felt bogged down by the language. And I liked the twist a lot, probably not the most surprising twist ever written but it wrapped the whole story up nicely
